16 Ways to Prepare Children with Autism for Holidays

The following blog post was originally posted on Easter Seals’ National website.

16 Ways to Prepare Children with Autism for Holidays

by Cathy Pratt, Ph.D., BCBA-D

While many happily anticipate the coming holiday season, families with sons/daughters on the autism spectrum also understand the special challenges that may occur when schedules are disrupted and routines broken.

The following tips were developed with input from the Autism Society of America, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism, Easterseals Crossroads, Sonya Ansari Center for Autism at Logan, and the Indiana Autism Leadership Network. We update our list of suggestions annually, and our hope is that by following these few helpful tips as the holiday approaches, families may lessen the stress and anxiety created by the holiday season and make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

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2016: A Year in Review and A Look Forward

The theme of 2016 at ESNG was expansion. We expanded our programs, reach, events and accreditations. Let’s take a look back at what we did as we get ready for a fun and exciting 2017.for blog

Last year, we piloted the innovative STEM in early education at our Brookvalley location. Thanks to funding from the Sibley Award and Frances Hollis Brain Foundation, we are expanding the program to our Guice, Mansell and Warsaw locations.

20151112_143926_resized Continue reading “2016: A Year in Review and A Look Forward”

Today we celebrate the progress of Special Education!

What exactly is special education? Special education features instruction and interventions designed to meet the individual needs of each child with a disability. While this doesn’t seem like such a dramatic idea to us now, it is fairly new. In fact, in 1975, the U.S. Congress enacted the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This landmark law – together with subsequent amendments in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – protects the rights of infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities and their families.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, “Before IDEA, too many children were denied access to education and opportunities to learn. Providing appropriate education to youngsters from diverse cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds was especially challenging. Further, most families were not afforded the opportunity to be involved in planning or placement decisions regarding their children, and resources were not available to enable children with significant disabilities to live at home and receive an education at neighborhood schools in their community.”

The IDEA has four main purposes: Continue reading “Today we celebrate the progress of Special Education!”

Easterseals is your resource for family fun for all

Fall is a great time of year to get out of the house and do fun things around town. If you have a child with special needs, enjoying those activities may be a little more difficult. We’ve compiled a list of ideas for you to enjoy with your family.

The Arts

Center for Puppetry Arts – The Center for Puppetry Arts has modified regular programming to allow guests with autism spectrum disorder to experience sensory-friendly Family Series performances, Film series, and Create-A-Puppet Workshops™. The next sensory-friendly performance is The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Silly Hollow on Sunday, October 30. http://puppet.org/programs/asd/


RMS Drama Aladdin, Jr. Free Special Needs Community Show – A very special free preview show of Aladdin, Jr. will be held for the special needs community on Tuesday, November 8 at 5:30 p.m. by Riverwatch Middle School Musical Theater. Adults and children with special needs and their families are invited to take a magical journey with this sneak peek performance. This show will be held at Lambert High School (805 Nichols Road, Suwanee, GA). Reservations for this sensory-sensitive show only can be made by calling 678-414-1031. www.facebook.com/RMSDramaSpecialNeedsShow

Continue reading “Easterseals is your resource for family fun for all”

#SuccessStartsHere: Jacob’s story

A recently released survey revealed a startling statistic. According to the 2014 National Health Interview Survey, as many as one in 45 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It’s not all bad news, though. Extensive research shows that children who receive early identification and intervention services for potential ASD diagnoses experienced tremendous improvements in their communication, reciprocal play, and sensory issues. Jacob is a prime example of how a family’s love and intense therapies set him up for success in school and life.

Early identification

Jacob was born at 35 weeks, just five weeks before his expected due date. Because of his early entrance, doctors warned his parents that he may meet some developmental milestones a little bit later than his peers. With that in mind, his parents and pediatrician did not worry too much when he started crawling at 12 months and walking at 17 months. However, when he wasn’t speaking at almost two, they were concerned.

The pediatrician suggested they contact Easter Seals North Georgia’s early intervention program, Babies Can’t Wait, for evaluation. At the time, Jacob qualified for speech therapy. After six months, he improved so much that he no longer needed therapies. Soon after, though, his acquisition of new language stalled and he began to repeat the same phrase over and over again for almost 45 minutes, something known as elliptical speech. Jacob’s mom called Babies Can’t Wait for another evaluation and at two and a half years old, Jacob began speech and occupational therapies.

It was also during this time that Jacob’s parents realized that his behavior was an indication of some more profound than potential developmental delays from being premature. With the help of the Babies Can’t Wait service coordinator, Jacob went to see a specialist at Emory University. The pediatrician officially diagnosed Jacob with autism spectrum disorder.

Early intervention

The first five years of a child’s life are the most critical in his development. The neural circuits in the brain are the most flexible during the first three years of life. Statistics show that between 25% and 50% of children with ASD, who receive intensive early intervention, will move into general education by kindergarten.

Jacob received speech, occupational, and the PLAY Project at home until he was three years old. Therapists came to Jacob’s house every week and separately worked with Jacob and his mom to address skills he was struggling with. Occupational therapist, Sam, would have Jacob’s mom assist with treatments. This coaching and modeling helped Jacob’s mom continue these exercises every day.

The PLAY Project focused on helping Jacob communicate and participate in reciprocal play. Jacob guided the therapy session. If he wanted to play blocks, his therapist, Jan Marie, encouraged mom to sit and play blocks. “The PLAY Project taught me something new. I never thought to go down to his level. It really helped our relationship,” she said. Since treatments were at Jacob’s house, he felt comfortable. When Jacob aged out of the early intervention services at three years old, he was ready to continue therapies at a clinic.

Again, Jacob’s accomplishments illustrate the benefits of early intervention services. Jacob is now eight years old and in the second grade. He attends public school where he attends “mainstream” classes for half the day. The family’s goal is to have him attend classes with neuro-typical children by the fourth grade. It looks like Jacob is well on his way to achieving this goal. In fact, he has been on the honor roll at his school since kindergarten.

Mom’s advice

Jacob’s mom believes that the early intervention services he received beginning at two years old set him up for success. She has three pieces of advice for other parents whose children show signs of potential ASD.

  1. It’s a process – Jacob’s mom believes it important to grieve and then ACCEPT the diagnosis as soon as you can. She says, “The sooner you can set your emotions aside and focus on getting the best care for your child, the better.”
  2. Don’t compare – It seems like it’s human nature, you compare yourself to other parents, your child to other children. Jacob’s mom cautions against doing that for typically developing children and children with special needs. She believes that once you see the uniqueness of your child, you’ll be able to focus on his abilities. At that point, she believes your child’s development can only grow and improve.
  3. Celebrate even the smallest milestones – Once you’ve accepted that this is a process and that your child and situation is unique, Jacob’s mom says you must celebrate everything. If it’s potty training, drinking from a cup, or tying shoelaces, make a big deal about it. “If your child loves balloons, give him a balloon for drinking out of a cup – or stickers. Whatever it takes to show him he has achieved something big. It makes a huge difference not only for him but for you, too,” she said.